An effective supply-chain relies not only on processes, but also on people operating within these processes. Ongoing training and professional development are vital to the productivity, profitability and efficiency of any supply-chain.
A training intervention at this level needs to be a process that is best described as the facilitation of the learning experience, not merely the regurgitation of ineffectual information. Successful initiatives have shown that training material which is both industry and site specific is a winning recipe in imparting knowledge and skills transfers.
Supply-Chain knowledge must be systematically maintained at a high level and simply having the skills is no longer sufficient. Holders of professional logistics qualifications have a tangible demonstration of their knowledge and abilities.
Our range of educational and training services are designed to provide participants with a thorough background in different areas of management. We cater for different levels of training, ranging from short and awareness courses right up to post-graduate levels.
Our programmes and qualifications are designed as progression routes in the selected area/s. These progression routes are illustrated here.
Short Courses
Course Directory
General information about our programmes
All programmes offered by us are certified by the following bodies. The relative websites are accessed by clicking on the title of each organisation.
- Skills For Logistics – The Stairway ®
The global economy has stimulated a more mobile international workforce and the personal benefits to be gained from these opportunities are becoming available only to those who are prepared to commit themselves to a permanent cycle of learning, improvement and growth. We offer our clients a vast range of Logistics and Supply-Chain training that ranges across all organisational levels. Our training courses are designed to equip delegates with the skills that are required to exploit existing and potential opportunities in today’s Logistics and Supply-Chain industry, both locally and internationally. All training programmes can be conducted in class as workshop style or by distance learning. Multimedia presentation tools, experiential simulations and group discussions assist with the delivery of the message.
Our programmes make extensive use of the story-board approach, whereby the messages are emphasised through illustrations of various types. Thanks to this approach, semi-skilled, semi-literate and even illiterate people will benefit from such interventions. Our training methodology has also been utilised successfully with people having hearing and sight impediments. Our aim in each training programme is to highlight best practices in the industry and the use of information technology to improve the flow of goods and/or services. This is possible by providing delegates with the ability to:
– Have both business and logistics awareness
– Become an active ‘value adding’ role player within their working environment
– Participate in the environment, with the ability to se the bigger picture and not only their specific functions
– Participate and take ownership of their environment.