We offer the facility of a library service to all participants enrolling on its various courses. This Library Service includes access to both print and online sources.

Print Resources

A selection of monthly journals is available at SSM Group Centre premises for further research purposes. These journals are also catalogued into a research database to enable faster searches by subjects. The official websites of these journals are available by clicking on the title of the journal/s.

Journals available at SSM GROUP Ltd. Library:

Logistics and Transport Focus
The Official Journal of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport – UK (CILT-UK)

Logistics Europe and Logistics Manager
Publications by the European Logistics Association

Supply Management – now reestablished as Supply Chain Standard
The Official Journal of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS)

Supply Chain Standard – formerly Supply Management
The Official Journal of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS)

Our Links section also lists a selection of directories and journals containing updated research articles and general information in different areas of logistics and supply-chain management. Take a shortcut to this section by clicking here.

Online Resources

All participants enrolling on any of our CILT-UK programmes will have the facility to obtain further resources from the John Williams Library based at the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) – UK.

Below, there are also downloadable versions of recent publications by us and also of articles of general interest.

Be Inspired. Life is a Journey.

It’s fine to have a passion for your work. It’s fine to have opinions and share these. It’s fine to have ideas. It’s fine to sometimes disagree!

Successful organizations thrive on input from its most important strategic asset, its employees. They embrace ideas and opinions from passionate staff as source for innovation and change. Disagreement on issues is debated and leads to new ideas and innovation. This is how successful companies pro-actively adapt to an ever changing business environment and stay on top.

We invite you to visit the Europhia Website. Logistics Reports & HR Logistics Survey

Multimedia Resources

Multimedia resources on various supply-chain and logistics management, industry and environment are also included in our library service. These multimedia are often included in our various training programmes to create a unique learning experience.


From time to time, we also contribute to local business journals about various issues related to logistics and supply-chain management.

The full list of our publications is available by clicking here. All articles can be downloaded in PDF format.